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Membership page

The membership is open to all doctors, engineers, computer professionals and professionals with an interest in computer assisted orthopaedic surgery. Access to peer reviewed CAOS UK online articles and Conference Proceedings.

See Special Combined Membership Options for CAOS UK and CAOS International Membership at a special rate from January 2023. This allows access to both groups for meetings, conferences and online webinar/educational content.

  1. Access to forums to discuss articles, research and influence CAOS UK itself.

  2. Voting rights and partnership in a community dedicated to integration of technology into surgical practice.

  3. Preferential rates to CAOS UK Conferences, Workshops Webinars and Courses.

  4. Access to educational and training media and presentations.

  5. Direct communication between developers and users.

  6. Affiliate membership includes Medical Students, Engineering students, Industry representatives, Ancillary healthcare workers interested in the promotion of technology assisted orthopaedic solutions.

  7. Student CAOS UK Members will have access to the latest Fellowship opportunities and as part of their membership be able to attend one of our expert Navigation or Robotic centres in the UK as a taster day for free.

Register below or Sign in here

Trainee and Affiliated membership

Trainee and Affiliated membership

£25.00 every 12 months

Trainee and affiliated membership. Please highlight your grade and affiliation on form. Membership is annual fee of £25. The membership will only activate after joining details entered on next form.
